Puittaara: Kaubaalused

GEDVAIRA sells wooden pallets.

Metsamaterjal ja saematerjal: Saelauad (servatud)

GEDVAIRA sells sawn boards.

Metsamaterjal ja saematerjal: Talad

GEDVAIRA sells beams.

Kütmine: Puidust süütepulgad

GEDVAIRA sells kindling.

Saagimise kõrvalsaadused: Saepuru

GEDVAIRA sells sawdust.

Kütmine: Puidupelletid

GEDVAIRA sells wood pellets.

Kütmine: Puitbrikett

GEDVAIRA sells wood briquettes.

Puidu töötlemise teenused: Saagimine vastavalt individuaalsele tellimusele

We offer sawn timber, which is produced according to the customer’s measurements. In order to ensure the constant quality of wood, we perform control at all stages – from the purchase of raw materials to the delivery of materials to customers.

Company ”Gedvaira” offers wood for various industries, taking into account the requirements for quality, size and other parameters. We are ready to offer various solutions for delivery in the shortest possible time.